根據專利資料庫公司IFI Claims公布的最新統計,去年美國專利商標局(USPTO)一共核發29.8萬項功能性專利,較前年數量減少1%,是2007年以來首度下滑。除了IBM之外,2015年前10大排名的企業包括三星電子、佳能、高通、谷歌、樂金電子(LG)及英特爾。但微軟名次下滑至第10名,因微軟去年功能性專利數量減少31%。其中,IFI
Claims資深分析師凱帝(Larry Cady)表示:「與其將所有專利歸在同一個立案公司旗下,近來有不少企業選擇將專利分散到多個獨立公司,這也是微軟及Panasonic去年專利數量大幅減少的主因。」蘋果去年名次維持在第11名,而亞馬遜科技名次從前年的第50名躍升至去年的第26名。
The granted patent quantity ranking discloses three enterprises from Asia. There are two enterprises from Korea and one enterprise from Japan. The enterprises from Korea have a stronger ambition to flight with enterprises from USA or the other location in the world. We cannot ignore the enterprises from Korea.
The granted patent quantity ranking discloses three enterprises from Asia. There are two enterprises from Korea and one enterprise from Japan. The enterprises from Korea have a stronger ambition to flight with enterprises from USA or the other location in the world. We cannot ignore the enterprises from Korea.
PS. IBM clound services patent.
and method for reducing latency time with cloud services
US 9098456 B2
US 9098456 B2
system and method for reducing service latency includes dividing an information
technology service for a customer into an infrastructure management service and
a data management service. Data associated with the information technology
service is stored in a backup memory. A set of infrastructure images related to
the information technology service is stored at a cloud service
provider. The infrastructure images are updated with software updates and
hardware updates, as needed, and the data associated with the information
technology service is updated through backup and restore mechanisms. The set of
infrastructure images that have been updated with data with latest updates are
started for recovery, continuity, testing, etc.
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