一、Ex parte Quayle Action
二、核准通知函(Notice of Allowability)
三、領證通知(Notice of Allowance)
四、專利期限調整(Patent Term Adjustment,簡稱PTA)
五、審委修正(Examiner’s Amendment)
其中,Ex parte Quayle Action
當申請案實體審查結束後,審委認為請求項已符合專利性,惟說明書尚有形式問題需修正,會發下Ex parte Quayle Action,屬於形式核駁通知,答辯期限為發文日起兩個月,提出修正後,官方將發下核准通知。
當申請案實體審查結束後,審委認為請求項已符合專利性,惟說明書尚有形式問題需修正,會發下Ex parte Quayle Action,屬於形式核駁通知,答辯期限為發文日起兩個月,提出修正後,官方將發下核准通知。
Ex parte Quayle, 25 USPQ 74, 1935 C.D. 11; 453 O.G. 213
(Comm'r Pat. 1935) is a United States patent law decision. When a patent application is in condition for
allowance, prosecution on the merits is closed.
At this time, further
amendments of the patent application are allowed only to correct formal
objections, which typically include minor and obvious mistakes. The
presence of such formal objections precludes the full closing of prosecution;
therefore, in these situations, the United States Patent and Trademark
Office (USPTO) issues an Ex parte Quayle Office action
requesting the applicant to correct the formal objections.[1]
An Ex parte Quayle action
has a shortened statutory period for reply that expires two months from the
mailing date of the action. This period can be extended by four additional
months for up to a total period for reply of six months (with proper extensions
and fees).
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