China IP News Released List of 2014 China Patent Agency and Patent
Attorney Stars
Intellectual property services are playing a more and more important role
with the promotion of national intellectual property strategy. To improve
the service of IP agency and to lead a healthy, orderly and regulatory
development in IP service industry, China IP News under the State
Intellectual Property Office of China has held the event of “China IP
Agency’s Comprehensive Strength Evaluation” for three successive years.
After a pre-evaluation of
objective data, an evaluation of
social questionnaires and the
experts review, the list of 2014
Patent Agency and Patent
Attorney Stars has come out. To
ensure the objectivity, fairness
and impartiality of the
evaluation, China IP News had
released the list to invite the
public supervision.
9 Three-Star Patent Agencies, 27 Two-Star Patent Agencies and 49
One-Star Patent Agencies are listed for publication. There are also 12
Three-Star Patent Attorneys, 38 Two-Star Patent Attorneys and 97
One-Star Patent Attorneys on the list. Liu, Shen & Associates has been
rated the Three-Star Patent Agency and four patent attorneys of Liu, Shen
& Associates, Ms. Yali Shao, Ms. Jinghuan Jia, Mr. Jiuyun Peng and Mr. Zhifei
An are on the list of One-Star Patent Attorneys.
China IP News released the statistics of the star agencies for the number of
patent attorneys, cases handled during 2011-2013. We summarized the statistics for the three-star agencies and two-star agencies in the below
tables and charts.