好威 聲波也能當滅火器 男大生發明獲專利
【動新聞╱綜合報導】花費了台幣1萬8千多元,研發了一套可滅火的低聲道聲波儀,要用聲波來滅火。要點火必須存在高溫 可燃物跟氧氣, 這台聲波儀的原理,是製造聲波, 阻絕空氣中的氧氣,把火撲滅。他們的想法一開始不被看好,頻頻被潑冷水,不過經過一年努力,聲波儀如願發揮功效,還在社群網站上獲得熱烈討論。儀器可以結合無人機撲滅樓房失火避免犧牲生命,雖然這台儀器目前只用來撲滅酒精點燃的火焰,不過這個巧思引起消防人員的興趣,希望找這兩個男大生合作 ,來發展出不同的應用,替滅火技術帶來新紀元.
US 20100059236 A1
Tools and techniques for suppressing fires. Such tools might transmit a signal that generates one or more waves (which might be mechanical waves, electromagnetic waves, and/or the like) that is sufficient to disrupt the relationship between the electrons in a fire and the ionized nuclei to which those electrons are attracted. The resulting repulsion (between the nuclei and/or the electrons) that form the plasma of the fire can serve to disperse the plasma, thereby suppressing the fire.
WO 1998032495 A1
A fire extinguishing apparatus or fire preventive apparatus which does not damage surroundings of a fire spot, can be used for electric equipment, does not adversely affect environment and human body, and can be used in an open space. The fire extinguishing apparatus has an acoustic wave irradiation device for applying an acoustic wave to a burning article. The acoustic wave may be an ultrasonic wave, and preferably has a polarized wave.