蘋果觸控板新專利 實現3D懸浮手勢操控
蘋果公司(Apple)新專利再添一筆!根據最新公開的專利文件顯示,蘋果繼Force Touch後,正開發新型觸控面板技術,除了要更輕更薄之外,還要透過3D感應實現「懸浮」手勢操控的功能。
這是蘋果繼Force Touch觸控技術後最新的觸控技術革新,進一步擴展人機互動體驗,Force Touch被用在Apple Watch智慧表、Mac筆電甚至即將上市的下一代智慧型手機iPhone上。
另一項專利為「On-Cell Touch Architecture」,只要通過在觸控面板中的On-Cell集成邊緣電場感應,便可識別在面板上的手指,便可實現「接近觸控面板表面且無需接觸表面即可被識別」的操作方式。
Touch and hover signal drift compensation
US 8614693 B2
Compensation for signal drift in a touch and hover sensing device is disclosed. A touch and hover sensing device can include a sensing panel to sense an object touching or hovering over the panel, a grounding device to periodically interact with the panel, and a control system to measure capacitance of the panel when the grounding device interacts with the panel, where the measurement captures any signal drift in the panel, and to set the measurement as a new baseline capacitance of the panel. Alternatively, the touch and hover sensing device can forgo the grounding device and configure the control system to measure capacitance of the panel either when there has been no touching or hovering object or when there is a substantially stationary touching or hovering object at the panel for a determinative time period, where the measurement captures any signal drift in the panel, and to set the measurement from this time period as the new baseline capacitance. The control system can apply the new baseline capacitance to touch and hover measurements so as to compensate for the signal drift.