事:推出搭載 2 個螢幕的摺疊式智慧手機產品「領世旗艦 3
三星電子正在研發次世代摺疊式智慧手機產品,其螢幕也能進行摺疊。想讓智慧手機螢幕能進行摺疊,就必須要確保摺疊時其內藏的零件形狀、位置必須維持在原先(未摺疊)的狀態,而三星已針對螢幕可摺疊式智慧手機研發出一套新的「鉸鏈系統(hinge system)」,而藉由該鉸鏈系統可能螢幕在進行摺疊時,能防止配置在鉸鏈部分的零件相互干涉或移動,即可讓螢幕進行摺疊後也能正常運作。
We finds two patents belonged to Microsoft
Corporation and Apple Inc respectively, not Samsung Corporation.
Does the patent of Samsung Corporation has high novelty?
US 8451601 B2
In embodiments of double hinge axial cams, a portable device includes a first housing integrated with a display device, and a second housing movably coupled to the first housing. The first housing is operable to open and close relative to the second housing, and the first and second housings can be rotated from a closed position at approximately zero degrees (0°) to an open position at approximately one-hundred and eighty degrees (180°), as well as rotated through approximately three-hundred and sixty degrees (360°). Double hinges are operable to movably couple the first housing and the second housing. The double hinges include axial cams that apply a holding torque in the open position that resists the first and second housings closing.
US 8787016 B2
Electronic devices may be provided that contain multiple housing portions. The housing portions may be coupled together using hinges. The hinges may include hinges based on a three-bar linkage, hinges based on a four-bar linkage, hinges with slotted members, hinges formed from flexible support structures, and hinges based on flexible housing structures. Flexible displays may be mounted to the housing portions overlapping the hinges. When the housing portions in a device are rotated relative to each other, the flexibledisplay may bend. The hinge may be configured to allow the flexible display to be placed in a front-to-front configuration in which an active side of the displayfaces itself or a back-to-back configuration. Engagement structures may be used to help the housing grip external objects and to hold the housing portions together. The hinges may be provided with rotational detents to help hold the flexible display in desired positions.
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